
terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2008


Are you sad?

Feeling Blue?

Do you feel something is missing?

Are you bored?

Well, forget about that because we have right here the solution to your problems!

Find out more about our miracle butter in http://butter-head.com

Discover the new and most remarkable butter you have ever laid eyes on.

It's makes coffee, sandwiches, home massages and.... if you buy now, we will, in a one-time offer, give you an amazing, extraordinary, super outstanding hairdryer with 2 velocities and.... not 1 (!) not 2 (!) not even 3 (!) But 4 (!) 4 lollipops (strawberry, orange, banana and coco flavored)!!!

Don't miss this opportunity!

Feel the butter in you....


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